The girl's team remains undefeated at the footy! We won 1-0 and I scored the goal! General delight all round and of course now we want to play again. The boys weren't so lucky - a 6-5 defeat at the hands (feet?) of MIB XVI. We moved on for pizza and beer as on Tuesday.
It was interesting to talk with the people who were graduating the next day about their experience on the MBA and more importantly about their work now. Many are consultants - for AT Kearney, or Accenture, and others work for Ferrari, food companies, pharmaceuticals and so on. Encouragingly, I did not speak to anyone who was unemployed! This must be a good sign, not only for me but for my backers too!!
We finished the night with a few bottles of Montenegro - a local digestive. This was purchased by the bottle, and served with a jug full of ice You pour a measure of the montenegro over the ice and enjoy. It tastes pretty terrible, but is rumoured to be almost medicinal for the digestion, and after 2 nights of pizza and beer in a week, it seemed sensible to join in.
Vlasta (from Slovenia) kindly dropped me off near home at about 130 am and I walked the rest of the way. The poor lady who waits on the corner of my street - her bus had still not turned up! We will be on first name terms by the end of the year!
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