Its been another busy week. The 3 exams on Wednesday - well - at least they are over with now! Applied maths and statistics was pretty horrendous, and swiftly followed by economics in which I became verbose through lack of any concrete ideas! Accounting peversely was the easiest of the 3 as it was really about the application of ratios and not having to learn things by rote. It seems as though everyone has different responses, but as the response seems to be 'it depends' for many questions then maybe thats no bad thing.
The pic shows Chris and Giulia from my working group at Massimo's house after the exams - smiles all round!
It is turning cold very quickly now. And officially the heating cannot be turned on prior to November 1st. This is a law that I have officially not heard and I am toasty at home in via torrebianca.
This weekend, to recover from the exams, we are going to Slovenia. This will be our first weekend outing en masse - expect pictures on Monday!
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