Monday, March 26, 2007


Yesterday the Bora was here in Trieste. Flowerpots and mopeds were being blown over, and it was quite a battle to get into Ciccio's car at Piazza Borsa as the street was creating a channel for the wind (it was blowing 100 km an hour and COLD!) But it didn't really matter as we were inside all day studying finance. (Apart from lunchtime when Vlasta and Ciccio cooked a great vat of pasta, and we washed it down with a glass or 2 of red - it is Sunday after all!)
At about 8pm it had only recently got dark as the clocks changed Saturday night. This is a sign that the summer is coming, although you wouldn't know it from the weather - it looked as though it was on the verge of snowing earlier in the evening.

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