On the way to Alghero, we stopped off the superstrada at the Sella & Mosca vineyard – its beautiful but enormous! We bought a bottle of red and a bottle of white to drink throughout the trip.
Then across the road from the vineyard we went to Anghelli Ruju - neolythic tombs. They are very interesting – and about 5,000 years old so we stopped for about 30 minutes.
But on returning to the car, which we parked in the shade, a shock – we had been broken into and they stole Mum’s new bag (about 3 days old) containing wallet, bank cards etc. In many ways we were lucky though - Dad had the passport, me her BlackBerry and the rest of the things in the car, more monetarily valuable. It was a horrid feeling though, and I am just pleased that they got not even one Euro (I hadn’t given Mum the money I owed her yet) so there was HK$200 and a supermarket card more or less.
Special mentions to Mum for being so cool about it and not letting it ruin her day, to the 2 guys at the Anghelli Ruju with us who took us to the police station, to the poliziotto who let me do a denuncia even though it was after closing hours, and to the lovely guy at Europcar at the airport who changed the car without a question, and even upgraded us to an Alfa.
But things then started to look up. We drove away from the airport and caught a boat to Neptune’s Grotto. We had no desire to go into cave, so spent lovely hour in the sunshine, bobbing about on the waves whilst the rest of the group went in. Then a scoot around Cormorant Island on the way back (called that because cormorants nest there). On coming back towards the lighthouse, the luck changed – 2 dolphins were jumping out of the waves in the sunshine in front of us! The first time I have seen them in the wild. If I was a dolphin though, I would have been there – beautiful sea miles deep, few boats and sunshine.
Then we tried to get into an agriturismo – all full – before ending up in Alghero town at a little hotel. We had a lovely evening walking around Alghero and dinner on the waterfront. Delightful.
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