Sunday night (or more accurately, Monday morning) we went for ice cream at Zampolli on the way home. Despite it being gone half past midnight, the gelateria was still open, and we are thankful that we didn't know this earlier in the year - it may have added some hard-to-shift inches to the waistlines in our class!
Zampolli is a Trieste institution - with a mind-boggling array of flavours. The street its in is not very salubrious but it is easy to spot as there are always a load of cars and mopeds outside - even at close to 1am on a Monday morning.
Chris tells me that its the best gelato in Italy - he apparantly has done extensive market research on the biscotto flavour and Zampolli comes out on top every time.
I am sure that its a hotly contested title though - the best gelato in Italy - and it would be great to hear whether there are any other contenders for the title. Especially if there are any in Florence that anyone knows about....
1 comment:
Those who contest Zampolli's title as best gelato in Trieste are the Triestini who put them at the top in the first place. Why? Two consecutive annual ten-cent price hikes bringing the price of one scoop up to 1 euro 20 this season. Scandalous!
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