Friday, August 03, 2007

Daylight robbery no more

My friend Justin tells me that he thinks I bring bad luck to my mates, as there have been tales of woe of bags stolen, and cars broken into and towed away since I arrived, just under a year ago.
But maybe my friends bring me luck! I found out a parking place near to the station, thanks to a tip from a friend, that charges 2 euros for 2 hours, and after 8, nothing. A huge improvement on the 2 euros for hour 1 and 3 euros for every subsequent hour that the station carpark charges. It comes to something when the parking costs more than the night out!
So from now on, I will be parking outside the hotel, and paying a lot less for the parking.
The good news is that I also have the doormen who look after the car. They tell me that the bonnet of an old Panda is a lot more comfortable to sit on than these new-fangled models... mainly cause they were dead embarrassed when I arrived and caught them mid-repose....
I think I have earned myself car watchmen for at least the next month!

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