An unusual event a work today. After many weeks of lobbying, we have arranged to have Michaelangelo's David lit up in blue to create awareness for Diabetes. The 14th is the International Day of Diabetes, and the International Diabetes Foundation has a programme where it 'Brings Light to Diabetes' - various monuments worldwide will be lit up blue to bring awareness to the condition.
As a rule, I don't write about work here - I have more than enough of writing about work at work! But this is something rather special, and a bit unusual, so warranted a mention.
One of my colleagues helped in taking some pics, there is one attached below.
Friday and Saturday the doors to the Accademia, David's home base, will be open to Florentines to witness this rather extraordinary thing. And maybe they should light him blue more often - in the snaps I have seen, he looks really spectacular.
Ciao Jo,
I've just stumbled across your blog after googling Ciro in Florence (where I went today).
You are right, David looks great in blue and I'm sorry to have missed seeing that!
Ciao Monika, Thanks for taking the time to comment - please keep reading as I try to keep writing :-)
Happy New Year!
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