Many people I meet ask me how often I "go home" to London - which always strikes me as a strange question as I don't feel 'at home' there at all - as much of a tourist as the next person from Italy (but without the 7 or Invicta backpack) or from Hong Kong (with less designer gear, and an older camera!).
But it is always great to be in London, even if, like this time, I had not much chance to see old friends and catch up with people.
A few people I did catch up with though, were those folk from MIB that were there. Luca, of course, is now working in the city, and looks to all intents and purposes like a real city guy - as you can see from the picture!
The only other photo I managed to take in my short time in London was of Paolo and I, with self timer one night outside where I was staying. The car in the background is a Lamborghini, so the photo is destined for Wally!
It was fun to see a bit of London with people who don't get to go there so much, like in Hong Kong with visitors, it reminds you what a great city it really is.
Especially when I went for a run with Paolo on Friday morning in Hyde Park, and then to the National Gallery in the afternoon. All with the sun shining brightly too.
The clothes shopping wasn't bad either - thanks to my long-suffering Mum who accompanied me up and down Oxford and Regent Streets....
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