Monday, December 18, 2006

When the bora blows

Finally, the bora has arrived (although the Triestines tell me it is still speeding up). It is really cold when it blows, and the rain is washing down too. Overall, we have not had a bad run - the winter so far has been far better than expected, and the guys at the meteo (for some reason often in uniform on Italian telly) say it wont last.
I hope this is true as I have decided to drive down to Marche on Thursday as I will take some Christmas goodies from here for Christmas.
I am also trying to track down Giorgio, my geometra, regarding the work that is being done (I hope) on the apartment in Sarnano at the moment. They are supposed to have done the stairs internally before Christmas, when Connie and John will arrive from Hong Kong. I have heard nothing from Giorgio - and sometimes with Giorgio no news is bad news! I have now sent him an email in Italian to try to get some news...

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