Monday, July 30, 2007

A change in the weather?

Tonight after doing some work, and chatting with friends on MSN, and my sister on Skype, I went out for a stroll. For the first time I can remember in weeks there was a breeze, and it feels a lot cooler. It was cooking hot again today, and we have only had one day of rain 9and then only an hour or so) since arriving in Florence. But with the aircon failing at work today, maybe its better that the temperature cools down a bit.
From Friday we have that ever-so-Italian phenomenon - La Chiusura. This is when the company (like almost all in Italy) will close for 2 weeks for the summer break. I am working on the Monday, but 2 weeks without office-based work will give me some time to finish off some of the bits of my project that I have not had time to do yet. And to get cracking on my thesis, which hopefully will be done by the time my friend Aeidin arrives on the 14th from Ireland.
Who knows, I might even have time to squeeze in some barbequeing and wine on the terrace in Sarnano....

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