Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hitting the pavements again

Today a long walk - again. I got the bus to Cascine - the park in Florence near the river. Its OK, not exactly Hyde Park, but then its been 40 degrees here so I suppose it would be hard to maintain. But what with the rat the size of a small bear, the man relieving himself in the open air, and 400 construction posts, I am not sure I will be rushing back - and certainly not after dark! From Cascine, I walked to Forte Belvedere (uphill) and then to a church nearby - cool refuge from the heat, but a little imposing! Next stop, Piazzale Michaelangelo where Marina, who was with me, and I decided we deserved a cold Corona. Then down the stairs to the Porta and another refreshment in the sunshine before we went to meet Janet in the Mel Bookstore - a browsers paradise near the station with English language books, and music to listen to. Lovely.
This evening we had a dinner party for the first time, the three gals cooking in Marina's room - enough pasta to feed a small army.

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