Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Il Mercato

The market is back in Trieste.
When I first came here a year ago, there was a market all along the canal, and the place was bustling with shoppers.
I assumed when I returned in the summer, that it was just on summer break - but found out later that it only comes once a year at Easter!
So it is a strange reminder to see the stalls out again - it seems a lot longer than a year ago when I was here. How the stalls are coping with the blustery wind today, I am not sure, but I am about to run out of school and head downtown so I will find out then.
Tomorrow I am off at the crack of dawn to Roma, and onto Sardegna for a holiday for a week. So TriesteTrasmissione will be going on tour too... more updates either on the road, or when I return.
Buona Pasqua a tutti!

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