Thursday, April 10, 2008

Heading for the polls

Italy is poised to vote. The common opinion seems to be regret, but resigned, that we will, once again, be in the hands of Mr Berlusconi.
It will be interesting to see the effect of this resignation. Will people vote Veltroni or Casini to keep Berlusconi out? Or will the ones that don't feel their candidates have a chance, not vote at all, and as a result Berlusconi will win?
The walls, billboards, lampposts and buses are decorated with the variety of parties on offer. With the charismatic Berlusconi telling Italy to get up again, contrasted by Veltroni's much more sober campaign, at the end of the day the elections, and the results are likely to be complicated.
The voting process, and the structure of the political system is so complex that many attempts are being made to render everything more simple for poll-goers. This includes filmed classroom sessions on MTV in which the VJs explain everything from what the President of the Republic does, to how you need to make sure your vote is counted and what bureaucratic processes you need to go to to be able to vote at all.
I will, with some of the rest of Italy, be watching the results with interest.
May the best, and not necessarily the most charismatic, person win.

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