Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Long week

Last week seemed interminable.
The low point was Wednesday, 4 hours of advanced economics, 4 hours of advanced finance - a killer. The good news is that this is the last segment of finance, so once we are through this, we are done in terms of finance - unless you pick it as an option. (I won't)
Thursday and Friday were more interesting - emerging markets management with a professor from Hungary who is half Afghani and half Italian and worked in Tokyo and lived in London. He has a real world view and it was interesting to hear his thoughts.
Things are picking up though. If we can get through this current period, which is a little dull, we will start to see more companies and do more interesting things. This includes visits to wine companies for testing the product (clearly required as part of the business evaluation) and a coffee connoisseurs course at Illy Caffe - also business motivated! We also have a trip to Bled, Slovenia, and another to Munich on the horizon. Will be worth the wait I hope!

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