Saturday, October 27, 2007

Downstairs for a shower

This morning I went downstairs for a shower. Hardly headline news you might think, but having waited a year for a set of stairs, and after yesterday having the skeleton of stairs in situ, it felt pretty good to be padding down the stairs in my slippers to have a shower.
The guys came yesterday to install the frame of the stairs and made more mess than would seem humanely possible for 2 individuals (I am not counting the third guy who just stood there in the doorway, planning the weekend's social calendar). But having spent 4 hours or so cleaning up, it is now looking squeeky clean again downstairs, and the stairs are getting a good polish from my slippers as I gingerly make my way up and down them.
I had planned to go to Macerata today and pick up someof the documents that I need, but there is a fog so thick it is impossible to see the trees at the end of the road, so I am choosing instead to update this blog, and then to go back and light another fire... When the weather gets better I want to take my new camera for a test drive to the mountains, but for now it is the indoor settings that are getting more of a dry run.

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