Saturday, October 20, 2007

Snowy Sarnano

I have been looking all week for excuses to escape unpacking the bags at my house. These have been many and varied, from lunch by the lake, to horseriding. The weather has been gorgeous and I have been able to get out and about in the fresh mountain air.

All week though, people have been telling me that the weather would change, so I was not exactly suirprised when, at lunchtime today the rain turned to hail and then to snow. Now recovering from horseriding and keeping the fire going as the snow and hail are coming down are on the list.

Slowly slowly I am working my way through the bags too, and doing other useful things to get organised - the internet should be available at my house from the 30th of October, so the revenue of the internet point in Sarnano will go through the floor! I will also have a home telephone apparantly... The stairs which are currently a year late will be in place by the end of next week according to the mysetery carpenter who rang me the other day. I'll believe it when I see it and not before!! The lawn is cut, and I have planted flowers. There is more wood for the fire on the way. Its amazing how fast the days seem to fly by, with so little things done frommy to do list. Goodness only knows what I am going to do when I get back to work!

On today's list, my biggest challenge is to beg and plead with the proprietors of Sticky Fingers, our local pub, to show the Rugby World Cup Final at 9pm, instead of having the Inter football game on all three of their tellies.... And to find a way to keep warm with the temperatures continuing to plummet. I did have a help on this last point, when Fabrizio, who delivered my new washing machine yesterday, gave me a few hot roasted chestnuts as I walked past him on the street. If the temperatures did not give it away the chestnuts are a sure sign that the winter is here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carissima Princess Jo, mi fa venire molta nostalgia leggere il tuo blog e saperti lontana, ancora non mi abituo a non trovarti in ufficio al mio arrivo con il tuo sorriso e i tuoi occhietti luccicanti. Firenze ti aspetta a braccia aperte. e pure io e Ros. qui tanto freddo e vento, il nuovo edificio รจ imponente ma non accogliente. Torna torna torna....