Saturday, March 24, 2007

Dreary Day

The weather today is a bit miserable - even the normally jaunty looking James Joyce looked uncomfortable as the rainwater dripped off his nose and the brim of his hat.
But it doesn't really matter as we are at school, learning advanced finance from Luca ahead of the exam on Tuesday afternoon. We are currently considering the effects of a higher weighted average cost of capital on the value of a constant growth firm. Tricky stuff, made more difficult by the use of commas as decimal points in Italy - I keep seeing numbers in thousands instead of in hundreds. The idea is that we will be able to generate an assessment of the value of a firm. I will try to get it sorted by the end of the weekend.
Huge thanks to Luca for the lessons - it is great that someone understands this stuff.... This afternoon we will reconvene at his house over pasta for more of the same.

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