Saturday, May 19, 2007

A special mention today

To two people.
One is the guy I saw last night in Piazza Unita wearing almost nothing but masking tape. Apparantly it was his graduation party, I imagine he had been studying for a long time to get that kind of celebration. I can only imagine how bad it will be if he ever gets married and has a stag night! i am not sure what would have hurt more this morning, his head or removing the tape with which he was covered.
The other person is my opera loving neighbour on the third floor who, either for his benefit, or for mine, plays opera at full volume starting from about 7am every day. Sometimes, like this morning, that is really slightly too early for me, but at least he is not an opera snob - he seems to favour a CD that I imagine must be called "The Best Opera in the World - Eva" or something similar - all the classics. And although I was a bit reluctant at first this morning, it's not so bad to wake up to the dulcit tones of Pavarotti and co.

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