Thursday, May 31, 2007

Happy Cats

Amongst all the sadness of leaving the course and saying goodbye to everyone it was nice to see one happy creature on Wednesday night.
The cat that was under the car outside Nanut seemed pretty content with the mouse it was chewing its way through.
But when it realised that the metal door to the Macelleria (butchers) was an open grille at the top section it took a run and a jump, mouse still in its jaws, and went inside.
I am not sure what the butcher walked into the next morning, but we all decided that we would avoid polpette (meatballs) for the next few days.
It might be a good idea for butchers to install cat-proof doors in future!


Anonymous said...

but cat brings good luck!!!this all what you need and i wish for you in florence

Unknown said...

I've been reading your blog all the time, being curious how you find Trieste and live your adventure. I'm doing one-year Erasmus here.It's sad to hear that your time in Trieste is over but on the other hand there's so much more that expects you still.

Wish you all the best,
