Friday, June 01, 2007

Triestine Feast Day

Yesterday I had a real Triestine feast day. It started with a coffee at the coffee bar near Ponterosa, me and Vlasta sitting in the sunshine by the canal watching the world go by. We went up to school for a while then when Vlasta headed home to pack, I went to get a ham sandwich at Da Pepe. I was the only one in there - no influx of Americans yet!
Then packing started in earnest. It's incredible how many things you can pack into a small flat! Every time I move I tell myself that I will streamline things in future, but seem to still have a pile of stuff. The recycle bins on via Machiavelli profited a lot during the day though!
In the evening I met Max for a spritz at La Portizza, then picked up a pizza to go before continuing with the bags at home.
At around 1130 Giulia and Janet rang. They were coming back from a burger after the gym and wanted to say bye. It was also Bianca's birthday from midnight, so we all met up for a last Zampoli icecream before going back to yet more packing!
Giuli said that if I had managed to squeeze in some Jota {bean and vinegar soup} that I would have covered all of the Trieste specialities!

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