Monday, June 25, 2007

Tonight on the news

After the usual news fare (hot weather causing fires - its 44 degrees in Palermo!; politics; something featuring the Pope) an unusual story on Canale 5 about the tomatoes this year. There seems to be some debate about whether they are superior to last year's crop or not, with one man lamenting the early ripeness of the fruit this year following an unbelievably warm year. Consensus though, over the fact that the market-bought variety are the best, rather than those in the supermarket. Although I agree I can't help thinking that the interviewees should try the Hong Kong kind if they think the supermarket ones are bad - after a few days on the plane they taste nothing like they did when they left their point of origin. (Although the Italian ones are always better, even if you pay through the nose for them - and its not just that I am biased I promise!)
The article finished though with a recipe for Bloody Mary - made without vodka, but with carrot juice, tomatoes, cardamom seeds and lemon juice, and finished with the obligatory celery stick.
I was just pondering on the newsworthiness (or lack thereof!) of this particular story, when the first ad came on - a topless woman advertising suncream! Only in Italy....

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