Monday, June 18, 2007

An Ode to the Butcher

Across the road from the residence where I am staying is an old-fashioned Macelleria (butcher). Tonight I walked in for the first time ever, clutching my last 5 Euros in my hand and said to the man behind the counter - would 5 Euros buy me some chicken?
He said indeed it would and prepared to give me 5 euros worth of finest chicken breast, sliced neatly with all the yucky bits removed.
Then he looked across the counter at me and asked whether, if I needed money, I wanted him to charge 50 Euros to my Bancomat and he could give me the cash. I said that was fine, I can (hopefully) get some cash at work tomorrow.
Then, as he wrapped the meat, he looked at me again. "Listen", he said, "if you don't have money now, but you are hungry, I can give you meat for now and you can pay for it later - tomorrow or whenever."
I assured him that it was fine, I was really OK with the chicken (and not destitute, just caught short away from a cashpoint) and with many thank yous, left the shop.
It's a very Italian thing, this unexpected kindness, and the relaxed attitude to money, and even after a few years of coming here, I am still overwhelmed by it.
And for the butcher, his kindness has won him one very loyal customer, at least for the 3 months that I am living here.
PS - having just arrived home with the chicken, Massi rang to say him and his colleague and friend Cameron were going for pizza. So I hopped in the Panda (wonderful motor!) and joined them. The butcher's delicious looking chicken is now on the menu tomorrow night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo!