Wednesday, September 20, 2006

"I'm sorry, but this is how it works in Italy..."

I have sent my life on the high seas from Hong Kong. 91 boxes have been in Naples for a week awaiting customs clearance (although my Roman colleague Daniele tells me that I am lucky if possessions in Naples will still be there a week after their arrival. Francesco from Naples assures me that there is no problem!)
I have been trying unsuccessfully to establish a good working relationship with the woman in the shipping company in Rome. The measure of my success (or lack thereof) is that when she told me the container would arrive this Friday at 0830, and I told her that this was not possible, she said that this is the way it is. And that she is on a break. And doesn't work weekends. And that she should not be talking to me on her break. And that she is sorry, but this is how it works in Italy.
I am now trying to arrange for the goods to be delivered the following week. And Mum and Dad are flying collectively about 32000 miles round trip to be there to meet the shipment.
From now on, I will travel light!

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