Monday, September 25, 2006

Trials and Tribulations of the Number 11 bus

I love the Number 11 bus. It’s cheap as chips – a monthly bus pass for the greater Trieste area (all routes) is about 25 Euros and makes me feel like a resident! The bus number 11 is my favourite as it spirits me every day from home to school.
And back again.

The college building – the grand Ferdinandeo Palace – is the terminus so it should be a doddle to get the bus home after school.

I don’t, however, love the bus drivers. I am beginning to feel that there is some kind of ‘You’ve Been Framed’ gag underway. I am still wearing ridiculous shoes, with stiletto heels and many inches high. And am mostly able to run on the cobbles and marble paving stones to wherever I need to go in them. But to do this after a day of applied mathematics, lugging my computer bag, and dashing for the bus is no mean feat. And EVERY TIME I get to the entrance door the bus doors close and the bus pulls away. Leaving me to wait 10 minutes for the next bus.

The only upside is that I can still get onto the school internet connection when I am sitting on the bus waiting for it to depart. So I am able to Skype Grace in New York more than I ever have been able to before.

1 comment:

yya said...

Are there also buses crossing the border e.g. to Razdrto ?