Saturday, January 20, 2007

Manuale D'Amore 2

A quick plug for the newly released Italian movie "Manuale D'Amore 2", (Love Manual 2), which I went to see last night at the cinema at Torri D'Europa (the local mall - a bit soulless, but the cinema is a big improvement on the one on Viale XX Settembre). The cast is full of Italian greats - the only one of whom I knew was Monica Bellucci. But having seen him on screen last night, I will now be keeping an eye out for other movies featuring the delightful Riccardo Scarmacio!
The movie is a series of short love stories, all of which have their own difficulties - the physiotherapist and her wheelchair-bound patient; the gay couple with an unaccepting parent; the manic woman desperate for a child and her long-suffering husband; the man in his 50s and the young Spanish girl who is staying in his building - but it is a great combination of laughter and some poignant moments too. I couldn't understand 100%, but I got by enough to get the story. The Gianna Nannini music brought back memories of the summer just after I left Hong Kong - when Sei Nel'anima was playing EVERYWHERE. (Now it's Scissor Sisters - I don't feel like dancing that follows me around). I recommend it!

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