Monday, December 10, 2007

Cinderella SHALL go to the ball

The ball at the army base was something that Luce and Bruce had had on the calendar for ages - well-organised army folk that they are! But Luce managed to negotiate me not only a ticket, but also a place at their table for the dinner on Saturday night.
Set in the army officers mess on the base (from the outside, the base is a very spooky spot - an ex-Hitler Youth training facility) the people that live in the mess had really gone to town with the decorations, and there were lights, and tasteful garlands galore. When we walked in there was a fire burning in the grate and people were huddling around the Christmas tree drinking mugs of mulled wine - a very warm welcome in all senses!
Once we sat down to dinner, we quickly stood up again, as a part of the carols game, invented by a bloke on our table where the tables all had to sing one line each and then sit down according to the directions hidden under our placemats. It was hilarious - a great way to start off.
Crackers pulled, it was soon time for dinner. And the Chef and his team had rustled up an amazing spread (he was new to the base, so was proving his superior abilities over the former chef apparantly!), with pork, beef, venison, boar, you name it, it was there. He looked exhausted, but happy as everyone complimented the new team - they had even organised a small zen garden by the buffet where the food was kept.
We turned down the dancing as Luce was tired and wanted to go home. But the great thing is, once everyone in out group had finally managed to say goodbye to the bloke in charge - a pass-by is compulsory before the night is out apparantly - the minibus outside took us all the way back to the house.
It wasn't quite a pumpkin chariot drawn by horses, but at 1 in the morning, was possibly even more welcome.
(photos to follow - i have some connection issues)

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