Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Presnitz, Gubana and other unknown things

In Hong Kong we are accustomed to being able to get specialities from around the world in the supermarkets and delicatessens. Here in Italy, food, like so many other things, is much more regionalised or localised. This is great for fruit and veg, as everything has that just-out-of-the-ground-or-off-the-tree taste, but it sometimes seems a shame for things like wine - in Tuscany I can get some great Chianti, but no refosco (from up North) for example.
This becomes even more noticeable when it comes to the regional goodies. In Trieste, one of my favourite treats is Presnitz, but it is almost impossible (as far as I can see) to find in Tuscany.
The history of Presnitz goes like this according to Friuli DOC:-
"At the beginning of the 19th century there occured an important event, which involved the whole city of Trieste. In order to receive “Sissi” the Empress of the Austrian - Hungarian Empire on the occasion of her visit to Miramare castle, the city organized an elaborate festival.
Contests and competitions were organised for arts and crafts, gastronomy, pastries and confectionery. In an elegant cake shop in the city centre, there appeared for the first time a cake made especially for the occassion, written above it was, “if you travel the world, you will return here.” It had been given the name the “Preis Prinzessin” ( Princess Prize) . The people of Trieste affectionately changed this to “Presnitz” in no time at all. In this manner Trieste blessed a cake destined to become a part of tradition and special occassions.
The ingredients are: Fruit, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, raisins, pine kernels, liqueur , rolled in a thin crust pastry."
Like a cross between a Christmas cake and a cornish pasty - its delicious! So this weekend on my trip up North, I bought a small one which we shared in the office yesterday with a cup of green tea at about 4, and now have requests to bring some back the next time I go Trieste-way.
This weekend, I am planning to bring back something else form my trip to Germany - Leibkuchen perhaps. Even without regional specialities, the new Monday afternoon tea in the office ritual might stick.


morbìn said...

regional definitions are important as well...
you cannot say that people in triest are from FRIULI, because this area is called VENEZIA GIULIA. you can call us GIULIANI or TRIESTINI

Jo said...

Sorry, you are right, I should have put Friuli Venezia Giulia, but of course Triestini above all else!