Thursday, December 06, 2007

That's Amore

Luca at work asked me at lunchtime why a Hong Kong brit would choose to move to Italy. Apparantly a mayor was in the paper today recommending that everyone in his town jump ship as there are no jobs, too much tax, strikes etc etc....
All of that is true, although I was lucky enough to find a job, the strikes are a pain, and the tax more so.
But I think one of the best things about being in a place that is not your home by birth is the unexpected moments that happen during the day.
Take this morning as an example. I was running late, so I missed the early train. Which meant I had more time to spare before I went to the station.
I decided to grab a cappucino on Viale dei Mille, which is on the way.
The bar was busy, and I made my way to the bar and ordered. The barrista made me a cappucino, and when I looked, he had done that trick with the pouring of the milk that results in a heart shape on the top of the foam.
As the people around me started to laugh, he put it slowly down on the counter in front of me, and said, 'That's Amore!'
Me and the fellow patrons all laughed out loud.
Who would not want to live in a place where a day can start like this?

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