Saturday, December 01, 2007

Grinding to a halt

The strike thing is still something that I find hard to come to terms with. The short amount of time I spent in the UK, was the era of the destruction of the unions by Maggie Thatcher, and in Hong Kong people just don't strike. Its just not something that people do!
I have written about strikes before, but yesterday's was remarkable for 2 reasons.
Firstly it was coordinated for maximum impact. Meaning buses, trains, planes, everything stopped at the same time for 8 hours.
Secondly was the comparative lack of coverage. I had to search for mention of the strike on the BBC this morning - a big difference from when there is striking in France or in Germany, and it seems to get bigger coverage. Perhaps it is more a thing people just get on with here.
As for me, I work far from where I live at the moment. So huge thanks to the boss for agreeing to a cab to get me home.

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