Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Social Life in Florence

I have been working exceptionally long hours, but am determined that I can get a better balance in my life once I am a bit more settled.
Once I have the car (Saturday - and counting!), and the apartment, (Feb 15th), I am hoping to also find some friends.
This week, 2 steps in the right direction.
I have registered for the first level course of the Italian Association of Sommelliers, which starts on Feb 4th for 15 weeks. I hear that there is a lot of studying to do, but I am looking forward to it!
I am also going to the first meeting of the new Book Club next week, thanks to my boldness at the Paperback Exchange! We are supposed to be discussing Eat Drink Love by Elisabeth Gilbert - which is a book that I have actually already read, due to the fact that it was part of the selection of English-language books at the Venice airport when I was leaving to go to Dubai.
I am signing the official contract for the apartment on Monday, so life is starting to take shape.
Next on the list is a gym. If I can put up with the hard sell tactics of the one near to the Arno, then i will go there... It's on the list for this week.
Life is slowly taking shape at last!

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