Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Fit for duty

It turns out that in Italy if you are a 'videoterminalista' (not a deadly disease as it sounds, just a person who works in front of a pc for more than 20 hours a week) you need to be certified as fit for your job.
I had an eye test last week, passed with almost flying colours I am pleased to say, and today had to see the in-house quack for a check on my heart, my weight, my posture, and many other details.
The food at work can be pretty good, and is certainly plentiful enough that often I only need to snack in the evenings - and in the afternoons when my clementine addiction (resurrected with a vengeance from last year) kicks in and I pass the late afternoons with a green tea and the omnipresent scent of citrus fruits around my desk.
The law says that every 5 years I need to go through the eye and medical test ritual. I am hoping that the excesses of the lunchtime provisions don't kick in too much on the scales in that time.

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