Tuesday, August 07, 2007

1st Anniversary

Today is a momentous occasion for me. It is the first anniversary of my arrival in Italy. Exectly one year ago, I got off the plane in Trieste. At the time I remember thinking 2 things - firstly "What on earth have I done? Why am I here?" and secondly "Maybe if I don't think about it, it will seem easier!"
Looking back now, it's hard to believe that I was ever so unsure of being here. I have spent this year learning a lot about business in class, & a lot about Italy out of class! I have made some amazing friends, and seen some wonderful things. And I will crack Italian properly if it kills me! (I can have conversations ok, but the writing - uffa!)
And now I am living in Florence, working hard in a really interesting job, and today, setting off back to Marche for a couple of weeks.
So all in all - La vita e veramente bella!
Thank you to everyone who helped to make this year everything that it has been for me, and thanks all of those who read the blog and send me comments!
And if anyone is wondering about making their own changes in life to do something completely different, or go somewhere completely different, or both! all i can say is that its worked out brilliantly for me so far.
But I can't help wondering where I will be this time next year.... the adventure continues!

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