Saturday, August 04, 2007

The best panini in Florence

The Slow Food guide has been the source of many gastronomic outings in places all over Italy in the last year, and Florence is no exception for the quality of the picks they have on offer. One of my favourites for lunch in Florence is the place near the Ponte Vecchio for panini. It is a small place, very modern, but the panini are amazing, and the staff lovely - they will always suggest the best things to fill the sarnies with. All the ham is cut by hand, and there were 6 options of pecorino alone today! ino is highly recommended for anyone who needs a break from the tourist trail, and when I was eating my sandwich, sitting on the wall in the sunshine outside the Palazzo Strozzi, there were worse (and more expensive) places to have lunch in Florence!
The rest of the day I spent at the residence, a dull way to spend a Saturday, but I have a lot of work to do before Monday, when I am going into the office for a meeting. And that's before I even start writing the thesis (now due September 3). Its going to be a busy few weeks....

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