Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I am never going to watch the Palio again...

The Palio is the medieval games that takes place in Sarnano every year, and I have been going religiously since I bought the house here. But this year, I was doing my thesis and didn't go.
And Abbadia, my contrada (team) won!
I am not going again next year,to see if the same can be repeated!!

1 comment:

Hong Kong Merretts said...

Have missed out on your blog for a week while we've been settling into Beijing life. It appears your seditious tales of life in Firenze are too much for the Central Government - and you're a banned site. Back in Hong Kong for a week of work and sorting out the house, then back to Beijing at the weekend. You sound fabulously happy. Let's talk this week. Love Becky x